Joseph P.U
Phone: 9645670502 ·
30 Years of teaching experience as English faculty · Principal at Infant Jesus English Medium School Kadmbanad (Pathanamthitta) · Administrator at De Paul academy, N C, U.S.A · Principal at St. Thomas H.S.S Nadavayal It is a great privilege for me to be part of this magnificent institution, a temple of knowledge. I do gratefully acknowledge the yeomen service rendered by the visionary predecessors, dedicated teachers and ever supporting parents who have worked selflessly and tirelessly to bring glory to God and honour to De Paul Public School Kalpetta. May God reward them all with blessings beyond measure. I wish and pray that the students of De Paul imbibe human values and become socially conscious, intellectually competent, culturally vivacious, morally upright, religiously vibrant, and emotionally strong and resilient citizens, who uphold and cherish the plural fabric and harmony of India. The spirit of the school is reflected in its motto ‘Lux Fiat’ (Let there be light) and our vision is to shed guiding light to all our children so that they will use all their potential to bloom and prosper wherever they are. “The gesture of the teacher affirmed in me a self - confidence that obviously still had much room the grow, but it inspired in me a belief that I too had value and could work and produce results – results that clearly had their limits but that were a demonstration of my capacity which up until that moment I would have been inclined to hide or not fully believe in “. ( Paulo Freire ) “The heart of education is the education of the hearts” How can I be an educator if I do not develop in myself a caring and loving attitude towards the student, which is indispensable on the part of one who is committed to teaching and to the education process itself. A good teacher is the one who manages to draw the student in to the intimacy of his/her thoughts process while speaking . The class then becomes a challenge and not simply a nest where people gather. While academic excellence is our major thrust, the school is dedicated to prepare the students for life, groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow, and encourage them to be socially relevant. We constantly endeavour to live up to this ideology and include this into everything. We do, with the aim that we will be able to ensure that all De Paulians grow to their full potential and competent to bear responsibility in all walks of life.